The Yoga Pro Podcast: Creating Happiness Through Mindfulness
What are the keys to happiness? In this episode, Brandy walks us through some steps to use mindfulness to find meaning and purpose, values, and gratitude to cultivate happiness.
Brandy Edwards is an Attorney and Empowerment Speaker in Dallas, Texas. She is the founder of The Self-Love Challenge and emphasizes the life transformation that is possible when change is embraced with courage and confidence. Certified to teach mindfulness and yoga, Brandy is a structured free spirit and embraces self-love as a lifestyle.
Brandy’s yoga journey to self-love
Her ideas on the key to happiness
The importance of meaning and purpose (dharma)
Is happiness a choice?
Why you need to feel your emotions
Creating a gratitude practice
What gives Brandy meaning and purpose
How to stop comparing yourself to others
Sharing your unique gifts
Knowing your values
Releasing expectations of outcome as a path to happiness
Taking courageous action to build confidence
Fear of failure and success
Why you should celebrate yourself often