to pursue and achieve your potential

P.A.U.S.E. stands for:

Prioritize Yourself

Take Action

Understand your Choices & Consequences

Self-Care over Self-Neglect

Exist with Intention


Whether your audience is feeling blessed, stressed, or both, everyone benefits when they take time to P.A.U.S.E. with intention

In her signature program Brandy keeps your audience engaged as she motivates and inspires them to take courageous action to pursue and achieve their potential

Presentation description & learning objectives

You take control of your life with your choices. Learn 5 simple steps to pursue and achieve your potential with this powerful presentation filled with relatable stories, self-reflection and actionable steps.

professionals always receive a return on investment when they take time to p.a.u.s.e., which POSITIVELY impacts your organization/COMPANY.

  • Learn 5 simple and actionable steps to increase your happiness and overall well-being while pursuing your potential

  • Evaluate choices and commitments to increase productivity, performance and purpose

  • Unlock your inner cheerleader and silence your inner critic

  • Understand that a positive mindset leads to powerful results

  • Create immediate focus to live with more courage and less regret

  • Be inspired to become a zealous advocate for yourself and take courageous action with a sense of urgency

P.A.U.S.E. and Prioritize yourself with 6 well-Being Pillars:

  • Occupational well-being

    Develop professional enrichment. Become engaged and motivated with your work. Feel inspired and challenged. Increase performance and productivity with meaningful work.

  • Emotional Well-being

    Increase your confidence, resilience and emotional intelligence. Notice, understand and accept your emotions. Positively navigate change and challenges with vulnerability and authenticity.

  • Physical well-being

    Make time for movement and nourish your body with nutritious foods. Love yourself while you work on yourself, it is a requirement for your success.

  • Intellectual Well-being

    Get creative and a little uncomfortable. Challenge yourself with courageous choices and learn, or start something new. Give yourself permission to figure it out as you go.

  • Social Well-being

    Crave and cultivate positive connections and relationships in supportive environments. Create, communicate and enforce boundaries. Spend time with people who make you happy.

  • Spiritual Well-Being

    Connect with your intuition and make soulful decisions. Become mindful and intentional. Create a life filled with purpose, passion and meaning. Do more of what your soul is calling you to do.