CReative consulting

Spend the day with brandy to pursue your potential and achieve both your personal and professional goals

Your time is valuable and your dreams are possible! Brandy would love the opportunity to help you achieve your next milestone, quickly and confidently. As an attorney, she solves complex legal problems, but as a creative consultant she helps busy professionals like yourself find solutions and solve problems so you can achieve what you desire much faster.

get started by completing the application below

consulting topics include, but are not limited to:

  • Mindset + motivation


  • Desire something else? Contact Brandy with details to see what is possible

  • Public Speaking/stage presence

  • presentation/content creation

  • career changes/side hustles/passion projects

  • confidence with social media

SAVING YOU TIME with creative solutions +

you have an immediate cheerleader

to help you take action!

Are you ready to become the most confident and courageous version of yourself so you can make your dreams become your reality? If you have a growth mindset and are ready to get to work then Brandy would love to help you achieve your audacious goals and dreams. However, here is the million dollar question….

Are you ready to make a courageous commitment
and invest in yourself?

  • "Actionable steps to move me forward"

    “After years as a practicing attorney, I wanted a change of pace in my career and I reached out to Brandy as part of my pivot exploration. Brandy's positive outlook and energy is what encouraged me to talk with her, and our conversation was everything I expected! Not only did I come out of the call with the confidence that my pivot was the result of a choice to succeed instead of a failed career attempt, but she gave me some ideas for actionable steps to move me forward in my content creation! Brandy is easy to talk with and allows space for you to work through ideas and uncertainties.”

    - Marcela Evans, Attorney

  • "Completely changed my outlook"

    “I’ve had the pleasure of attending numerous events hosted by Brandy, such as the first-ever Self-Love Challenge Retreat and an individual coaching session. I got divorced a couple weeks before the Retreat and was dealing with all of the emotional challenges. The Retreat completely changed my outlook on life and helped me start the journey of self-love. I’ve managed to incorporate the lessons and tips I learned while at the Retreat and have become the best version of myself. As Brandy says, I love myself while working on myself.”

    — Britney Harrison, Attorney

  • "Brandy gave me the confidence to step outside of my comfort zone"

    “I am so grateful for Brandy and for the impact she has made in my presentations. Working with Brandy gave me the confidence to step outside of my comfort zone. As an attorney and entrepreneur, I wanted Brandy to help me perfect my network marketing business presentation because I had no previous sales experience. During our session she provided tips that apply for every industry and provided creative feedback that I have been implementing in my business presentations. Within months I successfully scaled and promoted in my network marketing business with Arbonne International and won an all inclusive trip based on my sales and my leadership. With her guidance, I feel more confident presenting my business, which recently included speaking in front of thousands of people at my company’s national conference, and I am excited to keep learning from her and join her future events.”

    — Mercedes Garcia-French, Attorney and Entrepreneur

  • "You will not find another person that will as selflessly invest in your personal or professional development"

    “In less than two hours, Brandy was able to help me solve my business branding problem. She was able to help me realize my true brand and how to best communicate that with my audience. Brandy paid very close attention to the vision I was communicating and had very detailed suggestions for helping me to get that across to my audience. Her passion and enthusiasm for what she does is evident from the moment you meet her and you will not find another person that will as selflessly invest in your personal or professional development. My business and my life have been very positively impacted by Brandy’s influence.”

    — Janeye Pritchard, Financial Services Professional

  • "Just one session with Brandy has given me great tools "

    “I met Brandy in a Clubhouse room where she was discussing how to speak with more confidence. I found the tips she gave incredibly helpful and scheduled a coaching session with her. We worked on my presentation skills (how I want people to feel as I speak, how I deliver my content and how I can be brave in trying new things). Just one session with Brandy has given me great tools I’m experimenting with and I recently hosted my own Clubhouse event!”

    — Daniel Sleat, Special Adviser to Tony Blair

  • "Less than a month from our chat, I had my first clients"

    “I met Brandy at the airport while we were waiting to board our plane back home to Dallas. We both attended the same business conference in Charleston, SC. We struck up a conversation and she asked me what I did. I knew I wanted to start my own business, but I didn’t know what. Brandy gave me a quick career coaching session, and I mean quick! It was about 5 minutes long, but it was effective. We discussed my skill set and what I enjoyed doing and she mentioned becoming a virtual assistant. I really didn’t know what that was, but when I got back home I started researching and the more I learned the more I fell in love with this business opportunity! Less than a month from our chat, I have two clients and I’m excited to see what the future holds! Thank you, Brandy! For being so sweet and kind, and for seeing something in me that I didn’t see in myself.”

    — Jessica Ramos, Digital Marketing Strategist

  • "Brandy reminded me of whose life this is and of how to hear my own voice"

    “I was 100% on the struggle bus-ticket bought and paid for-and I felt as if I was going in circles. I spoke with Brandy about the two options I had before me, hoping she would green light the sensible and logical path. Instead Brandy challenged me to explore both options, to gather the research, meet with people doing ‘both the things,’ and to choose the path that lit me up the most. During my coaching session with Brandy she gently guided me to uncovering that my passion and my spark can only be uncovered and lit by me-no one else. This realization began my steps down the staircase further into my self love journey. While I do not have all the answers yet, I do know that Brandy reminded me of whose life this is and of how to hear my own voice among those surrounding me.”

    —Gabi Pike

  • "Brandy got me thinking about what I love about myself"

    “I’m not really into the ‘self-help’ stuff, but I signed up to attend the workshop so I could finally create a “vision board.” I was impressed with Brandy’s Self-Love Challenge. It was a great exercise that got me thinking about what I love about myself (and why that’s so hard to articulate!), how not to let fear hold me back, coming to terms with my negative self-talk or thoughts, and how to commit to focusing on self-care (because it is SO important). In just a week after the workshop, I’ve already booked a spa massage (which I’ve committed to doing monthly) and am now keeping a bouquet of fresh flowers by my desk at work to make me smile. Life’s too short to waste it not practicing self-love. Thanks, Brandy!”

    — Tiana Clark

  • "Brandy has given me valuable tools to help me continue with my journey"

    “Brandy is very helpful and inspiring. Through her coaching program, in just one month, I was finally able to have the courage to focus on myself. I was able to answer her questions, without fear of judgment, honestly. Her coaching and self-love challenges helped me with my worth and gave me greater insight into what I value in life. Brandy has given me valuable tools to help me continue with my journey.”

    — Cassidy Collins

creative consulting Application:

Consider saving your responses to the application in a separate document in the event you encounter submission issues 

What if you could receive desired results in one day, not months?

Do you WANT confidence while speaking in public, or feedback with content creation for a presentation?

Do you have an audacious goal or dream, and desire an action plan with accountability?

Do you have a big career change or personal choice you are contemplating?

Are you a multi-passionate creative with a lot of ideas and need feedback to get organized and focused?

Do you want to pick my brain and have my undivided attention?

is fear or lack of clarity and confidence holding you back?

Complete the application above to explore the possibility of working with brandy!

HOW Creative consulting works:

Brandy works with ambitious, driven professionals who want to shorten the time between their goals and their results
  • Day sessions are held in person in/around Dallas, Texas (Yes, she will consider traveling to you!)

  • Half day and full day options are available.

  • Consulting sessions are available via zoom but it is highly recommended to work together in person when possible

  • If your application is accepted, an initial call will be scheduled with Brandy. Such call shall not constitute a consulting session, rather, such will be an opportunity to discuss what your goals and desired outcomes are, as well as to see if you both are a great fit for each other so you can proceed with the next steps

*Disclaimer: Sessions shall not constitute any legal services and may not be used for any legal related services, questions and/or issues. Nothing shall constitute legal advice during any communication, meeting, or session, and no attorney-client relationship shall exist under any circumstances.