
Inspire and renew your staff, students or leadership team through a half-day or full-day workshop.

Brandy will lead your group through an empowerment experience rooted in her unique and practical P.A.U.S.E. framework, which will include a series of reflection activites and exercises tailored to your desired outcomes. Brandy is also certified to teach yoga and mindfulness and can easily incorporate movement and mediation into her workshops.

Contact Brandy today to plan your ideal experience.

what do you get with with Brandy’s Wellness Workshops?

  • Educate & Entertain

    Using personal stories and practical strategies tailored to desired outcomes, Brandy teaches professionals how to apply her P.A.U.S.E. framework in various situations, both personally and professionally.

  • Experience & Explore

    Through various exercises and moments of self-reflection, professionals will gain clarity and confidence about their choices and what matters most in their lives, at home and at work.

  • Equip & Empower

    With new knowledge and insight, professionals will be challenged to make courageous choices and commitments. Brandy concludes the workshop by creating a sense of urgency to help professionals take action despite fear.